"Wild" Bill Bannister is a legendary figure in the horror-anime realm, renowned for his iconic painted movie posters from 1979 to 1991. His distinctive style has immortalized some of the most beloved and chilling films in cinema history, including alternate posters for Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and many others. His work became a defining visual element of the horror genre, with his vivid, detailed illustrations capturing the essence of these cult classics.
Wild Bill now joins the FLOCO team through our Wicked Whispers and Eerie Effects divisions as a contracted artist. We are honored to have such a renowned figure in the horror art world contributing to our growing legacy, adding a unique and timeless touch to our expanding collection of creative properties.
4oIWZW1UDK6KhqvcecG6ztsvle | xBjEL0k9Cz3QFjnpEK6c8b9Z51o | unnamed2-2 | s-l640 |
il_fullxfull.4249887290_jcnm | REMIX Cover - Wrath | REMIX Cover - Scream | OIG4. |
OIG3 | REMIX Cover - Slasher Night (1) | REMIX - Dream Warriors | REMIX Cover Art - Trioxin (1)2 |
* Contracted Staff are not full time FLOCO Staff, but externally contracted professional freelancers brought in to fill a critical vacant position in exchange for title or other agreed terms.